GTA V, listado de personajes

Aviso que la noticia es un poco “viejita”, es bastante antigua, proviene del mes de Marzo de este mismo año, pero por vaya a saber que no se le dió mucha importancia. En dicha lista se muestran los posibles nombres de los futuros personajes de GTA V y si se fijan un poco más y son buenos detectives, podremos adivinar que ciudad será la representada en el juego.

» Mitch Hayes:
38 – Annoying, wise cracking, highly successful FBI agent. In great shape. Does triathlons, drinks low cal beer, but still has a sense of humor.

» Miguel Gonzalez:
25 Young Mexican American FBI agent, caught between a few mob bosses. Very clean cut

» Clyde:
23 – Moronic, almost inbred and creepy white trash hillbilly. Very naïve but in a creepy ‘it’s only incest sort of way’

» Brother Adam:
Welsh monk / cult leader / yoga teacher – 50, very lithe, very into exploring your personal tension through gripping massage. Needs Welsh accent.

» Mrs Avery:
Neurotic soccer mom, home maker, 48, anxious and addled on pain killers. Very angry at neighbor MRS Bell.

» Mrs Bell:
Swinger, and mellow Californian divorcee. 45. Ugly but comfortable with self.
» Eddie:
47 – Weed evangelist, guy who started smoking at 30, and is now a leading proponent of marijuana’s fantastic properties. White, awkward.

» Ira Bernstein:
56 – publicist for an actress known as America’s newest sweetheart who just so happens to love animals, orphans, drugs and sex. He’s always trying to hide her latest indiscretion.

» Kevin De Silva:
18 – Albert’s fat, FPS playing gamer son. Smokes a lot of weed, has anxiety issues and a card for a bad back, very soft, very opinionated. Into making racist comments while playing online.

» Harut Vartanyan:
42-52 years old – Armenian car dealer, moneylender, would be Fagin and would be bully. Heavily connected to the underworld, but irritates people so much no one likes him.

» Nervous Jerry:
48 – paranoiac living in the sticks, near Simon, completely paranoid, and terrified of Simon.

» Calvin North:
55 – clapped out FBI agent who now mostly works offering advice on TV shows – whose only claim to fame turns out to be entirely false – but a decent guy in other ways. Badly dressed. Divorced. Putting on weight.

» Jerry Cole:
53 – disabled IT expert and criminal information vendor.

» Rich Roberts:
English hardman actor, 35, who acts tough but who wants to do serious work – the only problem is he can’t quite read the words.

» Alex:
white 52 yr old loosie goosie hippy rich guy who has lost his money and is getting desperate but trying not to.

» Scarlet:
45-52 years old – unshaven female spiritualist and hippy with a love of exploring the wilderness. Very into journeys.

» Chad:
29 – pretty boy misogynist Beverly Hills party boy. Made money, but not as cool as he thinks he is.

» Tae Wong:
39 – somewhat incompetent Chinese mobster, loves doing ecstasy, going to raves.

» Taes Translator:
45 – VERY STRAIGHT LACED Chinese translator, terrified of his boss’s dad. Male, awkward. Needs to speak Chinese.

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